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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Higher School Certificate Physics Space - Learn about the Physics of Space Flight, from the basic operation of gravity to relativity - HSC Physics Syllabus 9.2

Higher School Certificate Physics Space - Learn about the Physics of Space Flight, from the basic operation of gravity to relativity (HSC Physics Syllabus 9.2)

Course Description

This course provides complete coverage of Space topic from the New South Wales Higher School Certificate Physics Syllabus.
The course covers gravity, projectile motion, the motion of satellites, rockets, launch and re-entry to the Earth's atmosphere, and relativity.
The course consists of content lectures, outlining key points and covering all syllabus dot points, as well as worked examples of questions based on past HSC questions, practical activities, and exercises.  Course notes cover all lecture content including summaries of key points, worked examples, outlines for practical activities, and other student activities, providing all information needed to complete these tasks. 
The course is intended to be completed over approximately ten weeks, but allows learners to proceed through the course at their own pace.
The course follows the NSW HSC Physics Syllabus and is largely in  syllabus order.
For students this course will improve your performance in the NSW HSC Physics course, or any similar Physics course you are studying, assist Physics teachers by providing lesson ideas and content, and provide an understanding of the Physics of space travel for anyone interested in the subject.

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